Minggu, 07 Mei 2017


Tugas IV Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama  : Rizka Noviarti
NPM   : 17213899
Kelas   : 4EA11
Dosen : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

Reasons for Choosing a Management Department

The first reason I choose the department of management is because to continue high school with the same majors and management becomes my favorite. In management science there are many elements in it that consists of business functions, which is wider than other majors, such as accounting.
All companies run business functions. There are financial, marketing, operations, human resources, and others. As a management graduate, I can choose any management function to enter. In any industry, these four functions must exist. The discussion in each field is explained thoroughly, not half. In order for each student to understand each element.
Next I choose management because I want to increase knowledge in the field of economics and managerial in a company so I know deeper into a manager in a company. Another factor because it wants to know in the economic field, want to become an expert in the economic field, in order to become a reliable entrepreneur, trained to become a leader or managers of a good company and want to become a reliable in the field of entrepreneurship. Jobs that can be taken with management background is also a lot, not only in the economic field, but also the field of politics, social culture and so forth. With that department management more flexible, efficient and effective. A person with a management department background can be more free to enter the world of any job according to his abilities and desires.
In many management majors are required to think analytically and critically, then we must get used to address things wisely and based on valid data (accurate). That's what makes management will always be based on something that has been valid and not engineering so that management is a fairly complete department. Not always associated with complicated numbers. In accordance with me who do not really like the numbers are complicated, but more like and able to analyze a problem. In management science, one area that I understand is marketing, because marketing is very close and related to everyday life. Therefore I chose management majors in lectures.

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