Jumat, 28 April 2017


Tugas II Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama  : Rizka Noviarti
NPM   : 17213899
Kelas   : 4EA11
Dosen : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

1.      If I wasn’t a stomachache this morning, I would study. (Type 2)
2.      If Jokowi hadn’t elected president, Susi wouln’t have been the minister of fisheries. (Type 3)
3.      If we don’t eat fried food, we are healty. (Type 0)
4.      If I have a wing, I will fly higher. (Type 1)
5.      If you were flower, I would be a beetle. (Type 2)
6.      If I had studied so hard, I would have graduated less more than 6 months. (Type 3)
7.      If Hendi hadn’t register in Gunadarma, so Hendi wouldn’t have known Ramayana. (Type 3)
8.      If I am a Governor, I will give apartment to Mrs Linda. (Type 1)
9.      If I had 100 on my quiz, so I would have score A. (Type 2)
10.  If I am a Manager, I will marry Exaudi. (Type 1)
11.  If I brought money, I will treat Mrs Linda. (Type 2)

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