Selasa, 21 Maret 2017

Subject Verb Agreement

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama  : Rizka Noviarti
NPM   : 17213899
Kelas   : 4EA11
Dosen : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

                        I.            Multiple Choice

1.   My family ……. in Depok
a.   Lives
b.   Live
c.   Lived
d.   Living

2.   My sister will ……. to Prambanan Temple tomorrow
a.   Going
b.   Goes
c.   Go
d.   Go away

3.   The central office manager, along with his two assistant, … left the room
a.   Has
b.   Have
c.   Had
d.   Has been

4.   Indonesian waters ...... absolutely rich of many kinds of fish
a.   Are
b.   Is
c.   Was
d.   Were

5.   Most people ………. to listening music
a.   Liked
b.   Like
c.   Likes
d.   Love

6.   The manager…… checked the documents
a.   Had
b.   Have been
c.   Has
d.   Have

7.   Please give me a lot of……
a.   Dating
b.   Dated
c.   Datas
d.   Data

8.   I always …… on time
a.   Come
b.   Comes
c.   Coming
d.   Comed

9.   Alya …..  out there every morning and every evening, tending them
a.   Is
b.   Are
c.   Was
d.   Were

10. There ...... no doubt in my heart to be closer to God to prepare my after life
a.   Remains
b.   Remain
c.   Remaid
d.   Remaing


                                  II.            Analysis Error

1.      Each book and magazine are listed in the database
                      A                    B      C
Answer : B (is)
Ø  “each” is always in the singular noun, although a noun are connected there are two or more subjects

2.      Wether to buy or rent a car are an important financial question
                     A                        B             C
Answer : B (is)
Ø  two or more subjects connected by “or” use a singular verb

3.      A number of kids comes to my shop and buy cupcake
                          A      B                                 C
Answer : B (come)
Ø  the phrase the number means the number, followed by a singular verb. While a number, followed by a plural verb

4.      My family have a long history
             A       B                  C
Answer : B (has)
Ø  collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but that are considered singular and take a singular verb

5.      One of my sister like to reading novel
           A                  B           C
Answer : B (likes)
Ø  subject in plural verb, then used the singular verb

6.      The flakes in this cereal tastes like sawdust
             A     B                      C     D
Answer : C (taste)
Ø  flakes (in this cereal) taste. s = plural

7.      The decisions of the judge seems questionable
                           A         B        C            D
Answer : C (seem)
Ø  decisions (of the judge) seem. s = plural

8.      Rissa is talking to the kid who buy my ice cream
                  A                    B             C
Answer : B (kids)
Ø  the verb after “who” is plural, then use a plural verb

9.      Either my brother or I will going to the market
                                       A               B           C
Answer : A (am)
Ø  when “I” was one of the subjects are connected by either/or, as well as the “I” placed on the second, then follow the subject with the verb am

10.  Much of my boyhood was devoted to getting into rock fights, crossing railway trestles,
           A                                             B              C
and the hunt for rats in drainage tunnels
Answer : D (hunting)
Ø  the subject hunting after the verb, tenses continuous: present continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense

11.  Yesterday at Ragunan Zoo, I saw many elephant, giraffe, and sheeps
                    A                            B                C                              D
Answer : D (sheep)
Ø  “many” for countable noun, is not “sheeps”

12.  The government have to work hard to finish the various project all over Indonesia
                                A                B        C                       D
Answer : A (has to)
Ø  Has to after pronouns (she,he,it) “government”

13.  There is many questions about change
   A     B                C
Answer : B (are)
Ø  the subject comes after the verb, but still used to define single or plural

14.  All part of the pizza have been eaten by my sister
               A                  B              C
Answer : B (has)
Ø  the object of the prosisi is plural, then use a plural verb

15.  Nothing in the world are certain and predictable
                A                   B      C                  D
Answer : A (is)
Ø  two or more subjects connected by “or” use a singular verb